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Read online - Creative Costumes and Halloween Decor : 50 Projects to Sew and Craft (2008, Paperback) MOBI, PDF


The all-in-one Halloween book "Creative Costumes & Halloween Decor" combines costume and decorating projects into one convenient book. The costumes are designed around three basic styles: tabards, gowns, and full suits (made from pajama patterns). Accessories like wings, capes, skirts and lots of headwear are also included. Details like collars, gloves, spats, and face painting instructions offer lots of ideas for personalizing costumes.The decor section includes 30 unique projects for decorating your house inside and out, along with special projects for throwing a Halloween party. The projects use common household products plus lots of craft-store items like wood pieces, paints, papier mache, felt, craft foam, floral materials, and polymer clay. Elaborately propped beauty photos and step-by-step instructions with photos of every step make the projects-both costume and decor-easy to understand., The all-in-one Halloween book! Creative Costumes & Halloween Decorcombines costume and decorating projects into one convenient book. The costumes are designed around three basic styles: tabards, gowns, and full suits (made from pajama patterns). Accessories like wings, capes, skirts and lots of headwear are also included. Details like collars, gloves, spats, and face painting instructions offer lots of ideas for personalizing costumes. The decor section includes 30 unique projects for decorating your house inside and out, along with special projects for throwing a Halloween party. The projects use common household products plus lots of craft-store items like wood pieces, paints, papier mache, felt, craft foam, floral materials, and polymer clay. Elaborately propped beauty photos and step-by-step instructions with photos of every step make the projects-both costume and decor-easy to understand.

- Creative Costumes and Halloween Decor : 50 Projects to Sew and Craft (2008, Paperback) read online book PDF, EPUB

Start with the basics: learn to choose materials, cut, mark, baste, and sew the patchwork through all the layers Build on the basics with 11 fun-to-stitch projects coasters, place mats, table runners, and small quilts Sew by number, add triangles, insert prairie points, and use multiple techniques together, Discover a fast-and-fun method of creating (and completing ) quilted projects.Whip up tasty treats and crafts as reminders of the season's gifts and lessons.A student thus quickly learns that while there are 413 verbs that need to be mastered, well over one-third of these (157) are found in the third conjugation, while only about one per-cent (21) will be found in the fourth conjugation.This updated edition includes information based on the 2009 AP U.S.