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Ebook Shailesh Kadakia - Unique Physics of Light and Astronomy : A Pragmatic View to Theoretical Astrophysics in MOBI, PDF, TXT


New Physics of Light and Astronomy, this brand new title brings the latest information on creation of light and matter in our physical Universe. Many physicists in the past have incorrectly prophesized that visible light energy radiation waves are electromagnetic in nature and portrayed a sense that they occasionally behaved as photon particles. This ambiguous description of light pondered pioneer physicist Albert Einstein to formulate complex concepts of special theory of relativity and general theory of relativity. To further complicate the physics of light, renowned physicist De Broglie characterized wave behavior of particle electron in atoms. Subsequently another pioneer physicist Richard Feynman, explained behavior of light and its interaction with particles electrons by formulating Quantum Electro-Dynamics, the strange theory of light and matter. He too continued to inadvertently utilized semantics of light as photon particles in his discussions while his explanation of events reflection and refraction of light on solid matter surfaces clearly implied behavior of light as waves.& ; & ; From our point of view, light and energy waves with frequencies above infrared range are not electromagnetic in nature and all types of energy waves are not particles. We have identified these energy waves as Planck waves because the waves do not possess rest mass and do not have center of gravity. In this book, we reveal astonishing details for the creation of radiation waves by applying principles of quantum mechanics developed by physicist Max Planck. Further we have provided an alternate explanation for lack of reflection of light from black holes. In addition we have defined new concepts complex time and complex mass to model relativistic behavior of objects travelling at the speed of light and at the super luminous speed. The title released elucidates special topics such as complex dimensions, improved weather prediction, mystery behind the quantum entanglement, energy to mass translation mechanisms, integration of gravity in quantum clocks and quarks a primary source, the origin of matter in the Universe. The contents of the book is divided in to Fourteen chapters. At the end of each chapter we have included exercise questions and problems which are relevant to the principles described in the chapter. Also, we have identified and mark problems whose solution will require students to do some research and read material that is not included in the text book. Our intention is to produce a good quality text book in physics of relativity and astronomy for students of sophomore physics class., The focus of Unique Physics of Light and Astronomy, a brand new title from Professor Kadakia, is on the processes responsible for the creation of light and its interaction with matter. After several years of extensive research in light wave physics, the author realized that several past physicists had left unexplained gaps in their theories characterizing the behavior of radiation entities in general, and light waves in particular. Though Einstein had postulated a dual nature of of light and radiation, namely a particle and a wave, which travelled at a constant speed c in space, he did not describe the physical phenomenon for the origination of radiant energy. In this text book, we reveal the unique events surrounding the creation of light and radiation waves. They are germinated from a quantum phenomenon, electrons dissipate energy during orbital transitions, inherently due to a quantized change in their energy states while performing oscillations within electrostatic charge field of protons. Thus, the frequencies and the speed of all radiation is set by the reverberation of the charge field that is independent of the motion of atoms and objects. Moreover, various types of radiation is thus considered as manifestations of oscillations of the charge field at different frequencies and, therefore, are not electromagnetic in nature. The readers of this text will be amazed by the several stunning breakthrough ideas presented here. For instance, we developed a novel concept for the probability of finding a radiation quantum in Richard Feynman's QED that is determined from the wave function of a particle electron that creates the radiation. Another remarkable fact that is postulated by us is that "Black Holes" do not possess a singularity, as was made popular by Stephen Hawking, inasmuch as they are quark stars in reality. Finally, we proudly announce that we have revised the most celebrated mass-energy equivalence expression, as postulated by Albert Einstein, for translation of matter into energy E = mc2 to new a relationship to wit: E = Æ©mneutrinoc2 + Æ©hfradiation., Unique Physics of Light and Astronomy, this brand new title brings the latest information on creation of light and matter in our physical Universe. Many physicists in the past have incorrectly prophesized that visible light energy radiation waves are electromagnetic in nature and portrayed a sense that they occasionally behaved as photon particles. This ambiguous description of light pondered pioneer physicist Albert Einstein to formulate complex concepts of special theory of relativity and general theory of relativity. To further complicate the matter renowned physicist De Broglie characterized wave behavior of particle electron in atoms. Subsequently another pioneer physicist Richard Feynman, explained behavior of light and its interaction with particles electrons by formulating Quantum Electro-Dynamics, the strange theory of light and matter. He too continued to inadvertently utilized semantics of light as photon particles in his discussions while his explanation of events reflection and refraction of light on solid matter surfaces clearly implied behavior of light as waves.From our point of view, light and energy waves with frequencies above infrared range are not electromagnetic in nature and all types of energy waves are not particles. We have identified these energy waves as Planck waves because the waves do not possess rest mass and do not have center of gravity. In this book, we reveal astonishing details for the creation of radiation waves by applying principles of quantum mechanics developed by physicist Max Planck. Further we have provided an alternate explanation for lack of reflection of light from black holes. In addition we have defined new concepts complex time and complex mass to model relativistic behavior of objects travelling at the speed of light and at the super luminous speed. The title released elucidates special topics such as complex dimensions, improved weather prediction, mystery behind the quantum entanglement, energy to mass translation mechanisms, integration of gravity in quantum clocks and quarks a primary source, the origin of matter in the Universe.

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